Since late 2015 the EPF has its own house, situated on Rue Gérard in Brussels. The House is open to all members and candidates of EPF societies.
From September 2021 the events at the EPF House have been resumed, and we are very happy to return to in-person meetings. However, the recommendation for all participants of the EPF House events is that they should be informed about measures applicable in the Brussels region:
Video library with interviews
For each Conference and Congress from 1972 until today the EPF published nearly all textes. Here they are available online.
The EPF-FEP publishes articles since decades. You may search a notion, an author...
- a common project of the IPA and its regions Europe (EPF), North America and South America
The task of the European Psychoanalytical Federation is to function as an arena of exchange and an intellectual forum for all psychoanalytical societies of Europe. The European Psycho-Analytical Federation (EPF), the scientific federation of all European psychoanalytical Societies and Study Groups belonging to the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), has been in existence for more than 50 years. Today, it incorporates around 5.000 members coming from 36 Societies in 25 European countries in which more than 20 languages are spoken.